Selling Tickets

Ticket Prices

Stag and Doe ticket prices usually range from $8 to $15. While you can charge more per ticket, it is unusual and may put people off of your event. Most of the money made at one is done not through door tickets or drinks, but at the games, so it's more important to get people in the door than to get every dollar possible from the ticket price.


In Ontario, you may not advertise an event under a Private Event Special Occasion Permit (SOP). This includes advertising to the general public, or having it listed as a public event on social media. The event must be restricted to invited guests only.

It can help to set up a private facebook event for your Stag and Doe. Make sure the event text has all the important info: who it's for, where it is, price, activities, and where to get tickets. Update it periodically with posts about prizes you've collected and reminders of who to pick up tickets from. When the event is coming up, reach out to anyone who has listed themself as "interested" and see if they need a ticket.


The Stag and Doe is a great opportunity for the happy couple to invite everyone that didn't make the cut for the wedding, and then some.

Selling tickets is all about networking! Arm all of the wedding party and any volunteers with a stack of tickets to sell, and keep track of where they go. If you numbered your tickets for door prizes, you can track which ticket ranges went to which seller.

It's a good idea to check in periodically, even weekly, with your sellers to find out how many tickets are remaining.

Void support tickets

Some people will want to support your event but may not be interested in attending. You can print up “support” tickets to sell that are not good for entry. It's not uncommon to have a draw for support tickets as a “thank you” for their support, just make sure you have a way of tracking down the winner!